Nikhil Rajagopalan's portfolio
A work-in-progress of spec work, tones of voice, and my best writing
A quick note
I come to creative/advertorial/marketing copywriting from a non-traditional background. I haven’t attended portfolio school but I’m absorbing information from books and the wisdom of people in the ad biz like a sponge.
So, whether you are a seasoned ad creative coming in from LinkedIn, a curious reader of my newsletter, or a potential client for my writing services—welcome.
Table of contents (clickable numbered list)
Ad contest entry for The Young Shits!
Click the pic to see the deck!
Leveraging Memes for Marketing on LinkedIn
I am not on any social platform other than LinkedIn. So it made sense to market them there. Why memes? This is because I post serious subject matter and this was a chance to show the lighter side of my personality. These memes cut through the “LinkedIn stories” that were starting to get stale and predictable.
Slightly Saucy Ads
Kinda like print ads, and made with a single Canva template to ensure consistency. The tone of voice is dry, slightly irreverent, a little boisterous, and maybe saucy. These ads are to promote the newsletter, but also introduce the idea that Nikhil isn’t just about music recommendations. Maybe there’s some creativity there?
The plot thickens—like a tomato soup that’s going cold.
Spec ads for fictional brands
Mt. Vesuvius anti-acne soap
Made from premium Italian molten lava
Real history of a fake soap
Released as a follow-up.
Spec ads for real brands
(More to come)
Calls to action
Simple, unobtrusive, yet alluring. Made with Canva.
Copy ideas inspired by LinkedIn conversations
The evolution of copywriting
God then created Wordle without the 12-hour waiting period and started playing, leaving the Universe to its own devices.
Someone asked for a Limp Bizkit song for butter. I tried my best.
Wash-a-Pig gave us a prompt
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