This is not the post I expected to need to read this morning. Well done!

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Delighting and surprising our readers always 😂

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Nikhil...Two words: Bath & Body Works (not to be confused with a similarly-named outfit)! Now it can be told! I'm hooked, and have been for a year. They have a Rewards program & daily sales for a different line of their product: shower gels, body creams & lotions, fine fragrance sprays, aromatherapy shower gel line, hand soaps, pump soaps, pocket anti-bac hand gels, room sprays, and more! And, you can try and test to your heart's content in their stores!

But, everything comes in a galaxy of scents and fragrances, FAR more than just flowery, lady smells! Things like Vanilla Bean Noel, Sugared Snickerdoodle, Strawberry Pound Cake, Frosted Vanilla, and new faves, Pumpkin Cupcake and Pumpkin Pecan Waffles! As I tell the gals at their stores, "I have no desire to smell like flowers, but I don't mind smelling like cookies!"

Thanks for bringing me out of my SCR shell, Nikhil! That cat is now out of the bag (but, it smells incredible)!🥧🎂🍪🍰🧁🤗

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I reckon that cat *also* smells like cookies! 🍪I'm exploring stuff from The Ordinary. They also have a pocket-friendly 3-product kit for like 20 dollars Canadian. Might explore that option soon!

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You’ll have to report back in a few months and tell us if it’s made any difference at all. Based on my scientific sample of one, the best SCR is no SCR at all ... well, it’s drawing the lucky genetic straw.

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Will report after a couple of months!

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I had one client in the skincare space. Go a goodie bag full of serums and cleansers. Used maybe once. :)

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This is amazing

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You know it, bro 🤜

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Delighted by this email today! I personally take a minimalist approach to skincare and this email reminded me that my routine used to include a playlist to go along with it. Now I'm inspired to create a new one! :)

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Post your playlist on a future post of 3SS, and then, if you'd like, link back to this post as your inspiration! 🥰

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This is a fantastic idea! On it.

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Evil Marketing Tactics 101 😈

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They work! 😁 I was just commenting to my husband about the brillance of what you did & how I have to get me some of that confidence/guts.

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Your original skin care routine sounds familiar, along with the genetics that make people think you're younger than you are. One thing I do that might be hiding a few signs of aging: I've covered my face with a beard.

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Loved this insider’s look into the products you “went into” your skin with. And the DJ Quads track was divine.

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